About Me

Allow me to introduce myself.

I am Kristy, the creative soul behind Wild Heart Wellbeing. 

My journey began when I was too little to know what was going on.  Moving through years of trauma, in the only ways that I knew, I was introduced to Reiki, a form of energy healing.  This was a catalyst for my own personal journey of self discovery, as well as my journey of fulfilling my purpose as a gifted helper.

8 years, and many versions of myself later, I am so beautifully connected.  

I am so grateful to be able to work with so many incredible humans and watch them flourish in any environment, as they feel so empowered to do so.

Every single client teaches me so much.

The inspiration for my healing products were created from my personal connection to water, my deep love for healing myself and meditation.  I saw how they could help me, and move me through difficulty, or even just allow me to have space for myself.

What started as 3 bath salt rituals, has turned into a total of 25 handmade healing products, that are so well loved and trusted, by my local, and international customers. Of course, I also carry a few other goodies for the soul.

I am a Usui Reiki Master, a truth teller, an educator, a student, and a deeply connected intuitive. I have certifications in Life Coaching, Emotional Intelligence Coaching, Therapeutic Art Coaching and I adore helping people become the best versions of themselves with my Spiritual Alignment work.

I come from the ashes of a thousand battles won.

I am a being of light, and it is with utmost honour and gratitude that I am able to share my gifts, my journey, and my magic with you.

Thank you for visiting.